Dayton area members...I have challenge for you!
I work for the Air Force, and the Wright Patterson AFB holds an annual marathon each September. I was part of a relay team (doing 5 miles) for a couple years BEFORE my RNY, but then my kid hit high school and my weekends got filled up - anyway, I haven't done it now for a couple years. It is next weekend...and I'm sad that I'm not registered. My daughter will be off at college next year, so my time will be more my own I'm issuing this challenge. TO MYSELF and to all of you...
Next year, at the AF marathon - I am going to register and do an half-marathon. 13.1 miles. I will be nearly 2 years out by then...I have committed to doing this with a co-worker, and I am determined to get as many people as I can to come do it with me. The more folks walking, talking, laughing and playing - the less likely I will fail.
So, anyone want to start training for a 13 mile stroll around Wright-Patt? I WILL BE THERE. God willing, I will be there. And I will do it. I figure I have 12 months to train if I start now - so it should be easy to do by next september.
Here;s the link for info about this years marathon...
I'm going to DisneyWorld!! And you're all invited to join me!!