Had my open RNY last Monday and came home from the hospital mid-day on Thursday... The surgery was totally uneventful (although they did not put my IV in until just a few minutes before going into the OR, and I was a teary, scared mess. The surgeon even asked me if I wanted to change my mind, but I told her that I just needed some of that "courage medicine").
The Pulmonary re-hab people insisted that I go home on oxygen because my resting level was only 89 (imagine that, you slice me open and it hurts to breathe deeply -- or I'm on narcotic pain killers -- so I usually don't). I agreed, just in order to humor them, but when they delivered these mulitple "portable" tanks (in case of power outage or having to travel anywhere, etc.) plus a huge noisy filter, and 75-feet of tubing and signs for the doors, etc.), I put my foot down. They made NO provision to have my level checked, or anything... if it was THAT important, wouldn;t they have arranged or someone to follow up?!?!?

... so I called the company to come pick the stuff back up. As the pain gets better, so will my oxygen level.
Holy incisions, Batman! My incision is about 8 inches long! I was not expecting it to be quite so big, especially since I'm under 5'4"... :( Pain-wise, and energy-wise I'm about where I expected to be, based on my experience when I had my hysterectomy... but I think the Vicodin I had then was more effective at pain-relief than the liquid Lortab.
The first bite of anything hurts when it hits the pouch it seems, but I have not had a problem with anything I have currently tried eating (scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, chicken, yogurt, protein shakes, etc.) except when I added some protein powder to some SF pudding. Both times I ate a few baby bites and started to feel a bit ill so I quit and had something else. (Wondering if this is a lactose issue...?)
I'll be continuing to sleep in the recliner for quite some time to come, I haven't come anywhere near to 64oz of fluid a day (even with a G-tube), and who knows when i will be able to pad the incision enough to wear a bra again, but all in all, things are going ok.
Thanks to all who helped keep me calm the week before surgery!