open RNY in 7 days; scared of recovery/pain
Yes, thanks to so much encouragement here and elsewhere, and actually sleeping all the way through the night the past 2 nights, I am feeling calmer.
I'm not going to be able to get everything done around the house that I wanted to, but I guess as long as the floors are vacuumed, the toilets are clean, the laundry is done, and the kitchen is clean, it won't be the end of the world if I don't finish the rest. Clutter and a little dust never killed anyone, right?!?
I can't believe that, finally, my surgery is just a little over 36 hours away!
Guess I better get back to packing (for my stay at my mom's after the hospital) and cleaning! Thank you ALL for the support, encouragement, and well-wishes. I should be back online, at least briefly, by Thursday.