I didn't know this. PLEASE research your doctors.
This was in out local Middletown paper. I know a lot of people have used this doctor. I almost used him but he wasn't in my network. I really liked him and his presenation. I have friends who have used him and LOVE him. I guess we now also have to asl the doctors about their insurance. PLEASE REALLY RESEARCH YOUR DOCTORS. I HAVE LEFT OUT THE DOCTORS NAME Stay informed, Robin Lawsuit: Doctor did not say he was uninsured State does not require insurance, but requires disclosure; family suing after woman died following bariatric surgery. By Anthony Gottschlich Staff Writer Sunday, July 22, 2007 Linda Wilson's first weight-loss surgery didn't seem to be working. Suffering from discomfort, diarrhea and weight gain, the 44-year-old Middletown mother of two wanted a second operation. The second gastric bypass surgery brought complications, however. Fatal ones. A bacterial infection set in and Wilson never regained consciousness. She died a week after surgery on Aug. 6, 2003. Patrick Wilson blames the surgeon, Dr. for his wife's death. But the lawsuit Wilson filed in 2005 didn't go far after his attorney learned that, who now practices at the Surgical Weight Loss Center in Dayton, didn't have malpractice insurance and had placed his assets into a family trust. "We never knew he didn't have malpractice insurance," said Wilson, who has refiled his case without an attorney. "If we had known that, we wouldn't have had the surgery." Ohio law doesn't require practicing physicians to carry medical malpractice insurance. But in nonemergency situations, the law mandates that doctors inform the patient when they don't have it. Court records show who has been sued for malpractice at least 22 times since 1991, didn't do that. DOCTOR, 57, said he didn't know the law required such a disclosure. He also said he urged the Wilsons to reconsider the risky second surgery, but the Wilsons insisted. He said the complications that led to Linda Wilson's death - a massive blood clot that obstructed her bowel - were beyond his control. "I didn't kill his wife," said from his office at the weight-loss center, which is housed at the former St. Elizabeth's Hospital. A veteran surgeon with more than 2,500 bariatric surgeries to his credit, said Wilson's lawsuit was unfounded, as were the others that have been filed against him over the years. In a two-hour interview, the Hamilton native and Ohio State University graduate defended his medical skills, railed against the judicial system and said he was a victim of the "medical malpractice lawsuit industry." "I can't stand this stuff anymore," he said. "This isn't worth it, trying to be a doctor when this is what you get." http://www.journal-news.com/n/content/oh/story/news/local/20 07/07/22/mj072207malpractice.html
Surgeon has made himself 'judgment proof,' lawyer says
Oft-sued bariatric surgeon says most lawsuits 'are about money, they're not about malpractice.'
Wilson's former lawyer filed a complaint with the board last September, and DOCTOR said he recently answered questions for the board.
The board would neither confirm nor deny an investigation.
Board spokeswoman Joan Wehrle said the board hasn't disciplined any doctors on this issue to date. She also said the board doesn't track doctors who lose their insurance.
Some states require physicians to carry the insurance, according to the National Council of State Legislatures.
But state Rep. John White, R-Kettering, chairman of the House Health Committee, said a requirement might be going too far.
White said Ohio lawmakers could explore additional disclosure requirements, though, such as placing a doctor's insurance status on his or her profile at the state medical board.
Almeta Cooper, counsel to the Ohio State Medical Association, believes enough safeguards are in place. Besides, she said, Medicare, Medicaid and other health insurers, as well as most hospitals, require physicians to carry the insurance before they'll do business with them.
DOCTOR"S privileges at Middletown Regional Hospital ended in January 2002, and they ended at Kettering Medical Center and affiliate Sycamore in May 2004, the hospitals' respective spokespeople said.
Hospital officials declined to say why, but Kettering spokesman Kevin LaVoie said, "It is not our policy to allow surgeons to perform surgery without proper malpractice insurance."
though, was operating on patients at Sycamore even after he lost his insurance; the hospital didn't know, court records show.
He said he was covered for general surgery, but later learned the policy excluded bariatric surgery.
Costly coverage
said he's held a variety of malpractice insurance policies over the years, so many that he'd lose track of his coverage status at times.
He said his trouble obtaining the insurance began in the early 1990s after his insurance company urged him to settle a suit and then tripled his premiums. Several insurance companies went "broke on me," he said, and at one point he was paying a $183,000 annual premium. It became too expensive to carry.
On average, malpractice insurance for general surgeons costs about $54,000 a year in Montgomery County, according to the Ohio Department of Insurance.
Today DOCTOR operates in the private hospital he founded with his wife, Lynn, in 2004, the Riverview Health Institute at Elizabeth Place.
DOCTOR said Riverview is covered by commercial insurance, but he declined to say if he's covered by malpractice insurance.
"To be perfectly blunt, I don't believe that it's my responsibility to make my patients rich if there should be an adverse occurrence," said. "My responsibility is to take the best medical care of them that I know how.
"No one can do surgery with zero complications, it's just not physically possible," he said. "Medical malpractice lawsuits, 95 percent of the time, are about money, they're not about malpractice."
Risky surgery
Bariatric surgery can involve a variety of procedures, but the general idea is to make the stomach smaller. The surgery is not without risks. Potential post-operative problems include leaks and infections, fatal blood clots and follow-up surgeries to correct complications. Various sources put the mortality rate at 0.3 percent to 0.5 percent, or roughly one death for every 200 patients.
Dr. John Maguire, medical director for the Weight Loss Surgery Center at Miami Valley Hospital, called the specialty a "high-risk liability practice."
"Probably because someone can be morbidly obese and look reasonably healthy (but) they're teetering on the brink," he said. "They appear healthy and if they have a complication it's like, 'Well, I was fine before I had the surgery.' I've had several patients die of heart attacks while they're waiting for approval for surgery.
"To put it in context," Maguire said, referring to DOCOTR, "I've had a lot of malpractice suits filed (10 in Montgomery County, court records show) that were dropped because there was no merit."
'I didn't kill his wife.'
DOCTOR's supporters include Diana Spencer, 52, of West Alexandria in Preble County.
Spencer, 5-feet-1, said she weighed nearly 300 pounds and was wheelchair bound prior to her gastric bypass surgery in October 2004. At 175 pounds today, she's still heavy, but walking and active again.
Patrick Wilson can't remember how much his wife weighed, but said she sought the surgery in 1999 to lose weight and get a handle on her diabetes.
She lost around 120 pounds initially, Wilson recalled, but problems soon arose. said he tried to talk the Wilsons out of a second operation, that it was risky, but he relented.
He said the complication that led to Linda Wilson's death — a rare, massive blood clot called a hemobezoar that obstructed her bowel — was beyond his control.
Wilson believes otherwise, and his claim is supported in a court affidavit signed by a top weight-loss surgeon, Philip R. Schauer, director of the Cleveland Clinic's Bariatric Surgery Program, who could not be reached for comment.
Wilson can't find a lawyer to take his case, so he refiled his lawsuit July 3 without one — forcing Fallang to defend himself again.
"I'm looking for him not to practice no more," Wilson said.
He may not have to wait for long.
"Surgery is what I'm good at," said. "But the lawyers and the crooked malpractice system — the industry, the courts — have about finished me off." http://www.journal-news.com/n/content/oh/story/news/local/20 07/07/22/mj072207malpracticeinside.html
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