Hello, Long Time no Post, Doubt If any one remembers me, but I have a question
It's been about 2 years since I've tried to have the surgery, first it was Medicaid that wouldn't approve the surgery, then I appealed they told me I needed more information from my doctor, my doctor wouldn't really cooperate (seemed to me like he was playing dumb, or his secretary was, any who), then I was switched to a different type of medicaid, and was forced to pick a new php, this dr was really ok with me having the surgery and she wanted me to get started back on the approval process, but before I could do that, my "transitional medicaid" ran out, so now I have a dr who approves and is more than willing to cooperate and help in all kinds of ways, but no way of paying for the surgery.
My question to you all is do any of you know a dr who allows payments, or very reduced cost to those who are completely without insurance, and on a very limited income. I have two boys and only make 8.50 hr working 37 hours and child support when he has enough hours for CSEA to take it from his paycheck.
Thanks for any and all information. It seems as though I'm going down hill fast. I've put back on the 30 lbs that I have lost, or almost the 30. And my sugar levels seems to be going back up.
AGain, thanks to all who take the time to respond.
Julie K
Brunswick, Oh
Hi Julie,
I'm in Brunswick too.
I had my surgery at St. Vincent's Charity Hospital with Dr. Ben Meir. I heard that they will take payments for surgery. I also spoke with a girl that wrote a letter to anyone she knew asking for donations! She managed to raise $18,000 that way which I thought was pretty incredible. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Good luck,