I have a date!!!!
Got the call today that my date is August 2nd! I am so excited!!!! I was hoping for a couple weeks earlier to recover in time for the beginning of the school year, but I am just feeling blessed that it is happening at all!
Thanks for listening to me whine everytime I waited longer than i thought I should!!!
WAY TO GO COLLEEN!!!! I got a message from Towanda this afternoon that she'll be calling me tomorrow with my date. When is your pre-admission testing? If you told me this, I forgot but do you have to do the 2 week liquid diet? Wouldn't it be funny if we were in the hospital at the same time??
Jill W.
We could be walking buddies! That would be awesome! My pre-admission testing is July 13! I do not know about a liquid diet. I have not been told that yet. I know another gal who was told at her initial eval...so I guess I am waiting until pre-op to find out.
I am nervous though because when I went for my initial I was just getting through the stomach virus...so I have been fighting to get those ten pounds off that I put on after I finally began to eat again after a week of liquids.... It was all water weight...think I could get that off now? Someone told me to take a diuretic before going...my luck that would send my blood levels wacky and they would delay my surgery....so I am going to do my best to get them off, and just see what happens when I get there.
I figure even if I have to do a liquid it is just a prep for what is to come...I can handle it as long as they do not make me drink yucky thick shakes.... i don't think I could handle that!
Let me know what you find out!
Good Luck