Any of Dr. BenMier Patients get a date recently??
Jill W.
Hi Jill thank you, I got the same call today. I was a little frustrated because Mary told me on Tuesday that she was going to send my chart to the for the past three days I was thinking that maybe I would get a call only to find out that Mary did not send the chart, that it was sitting on Latonyas desk..... I do not really mind, but I told my boos I could not do the first session of summer school, and now I can be doing that but I can't do the second session that I did schedule myself to work.... so I am kinda stuck! I was hoping to have this done this summer, but now I might go back to work on light duty (they do not like that at all). SOmeone told me that if I wait until next summer I could have to redo all of my test again..... I know it is long road and I should not be stressing over the little things, but I have been at this for as long as you!!! So now that it can really happen I am ready and do not want to miss the oppertuntiy, but am not sure what to do about work and what to tell my boss... I think that I am stressing....because TOM and not used to this with out BC pills so I am on a little roller coaster.... thanks for listening! COlleen