Question for all 5 yr. & up post surgery "losers"
Ann Dee
Sept 21 2005
Hello Jen, I had open RNY 11/17/2003. Here's my story. I'm only 4'11" so VERY SHORT but NOT PETITE I do have a large frame for being short. The BMI charts state that I should weight 95-123 I got down to 114 which is the picture you see here. My PCP yelled at me for getting to THIN even thought my BMI was NORMAL. So I let a few "bad" foods back in and got back to 123. Well LIFE happened. I have been and always will be a big time STRESS eater. So lets just say the I have gained more than what I wanted. AND BOY DO I KNOW IT, FEEL IT AND SEE IT. I am now trying to be VERY careful in what I eat. I'm trying to get back to basics and not gain any more and to lose what I have gained. SOOOOOOO Here's it in a nut shell. You CAN REGAIN if you go back to OLD WAYS OF EATING. As far as telling your friend that's a hard one. If she is like me she already knows she has 'messed up' and really doesn't want some one telling her what she alredy know. What I would so is see if she would like to workout, walk, Just talk in general about how eating and regain but like I said if she is like me she know and is just trying to lose what she has regained. Robin