Aetna Isurance questions
I am in the early stages of trying to get approved for the Lap Band procedure. My hopes are up so high!! I have my phyc eval with Dr Jeanine Tell on the 19th and then we can submit everything to the insurance company. Does anyone have an expereice wtih Aetna Isurance that might be encourageing? I am terrified they will say no...then what???
I have Aetna....or should I say my wife has Aetna. They want the usual things like diet for about 6 months, your doctor has to show that you have been over weight for the last 5 years and so on. They turned me down the first time but good ole' doc Myers stepped in for me and made a phone call a couple of days later and low and behold I was approved that afternoon. I owe everything to him and the Fresh Start crew. I can't thank them enought...
I have Aetna and had no issues with approval. I do have diabetes, which I am sure was a factor. I started teh process in January, finished my last nut appt. in early April and was approved teh next week. Their are a lot of different policies with Aetna, so it depends on your particular plan. Sherry, the insurace person at Fresh Start, was also very helpful at gathering up the info and pushing it through. She is a great advocate. I fhtey say no, there are lots of avenues for appeal. Keep heart.
I would have to say that Aetna was awesome! I tried to jump through the hoops before they told me I had to, and when all was said and done, was approved in a day, and had the written approval in less than a week. I did go through the 6 month documented visits with a dietician/nutritionist, had proof of comorbidities (arthritis, sleep apnea, diabetes, etc.), and they also wanted any documentation from my pcp for the past 3 years that I was overweight. I will suggest that it's a good idea to get copies of any info from your charts that you can along the way, as it makes it easier if anything is misplaced. Don't be afraid to drive your own train, and make sure all is in line FOR YOURSELF! Don't place too much trust in others that they will send what they are supposed to WHEN they say they will! Best of luck to you in your journey!
I love Aetna! They only asked for 3mths with a nut and I have everything I think except the psych eval which I will have on Tuesday. I am nervous because according to the isurance liasson from Baritix, everything else looks great, I have everthing else they have asked for, so it all hinges on the psych eval. I notice that we have the same surgeon, how was your experence?