I got verbal approval today!
I am sorry I realized I skipped a whole section of post this week! I am so happy to hear that you are approved! The days are going to be flying by before our dates are scheduled and then we will be on the losing side!!!! Yeah keep us posted and I will do the same!
Live each day so that you have three stars and a wish every night!
To step off subject for a minute, I cannot figure out how to get a picture on my profile!! I don't even need to put my own picture on there at this time but I would like some picture on there!! I tried to follow the guidelines but it still isn't working!! Can anyone help me?? I thought I was halfway good at this stuff!!
Okay go to your profile page...right above where your avitar would be (where the gray and white picture is) it says customize profile...click that....the new screen that pops up has a ton of choices, however if you look across from proifle you will see change my avatar....click that..... then it give you a box....you can cut and past a file name in there or browse what pics are on your computer or if you get one off the web there is that option. Let em know if that works and if you need help at a different step than what i did....