Deaconess Recipe Roundup
Have great recipes for reaching your weight loss goal? Post them on the Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center discussion board at and vote for the best! Enter your recipe under the "Recipe" forum.
On July 13, we'll tally the winners. If 25 are submitted, the prize will be a $25 gift certificate. 50? $50 gift certificate. 100 recipes? Yum! $100,yes, $100 gift certificate! Plus, All participants get a free copy of the first Greater Cincinnati New You Real You Bariatric Cookbook. You must join the discussion board to enter the contest.
Disclaimer: Please note that all recipes posted are by members of the forum, not by the Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center staff. If you have questions about recipe contents and nutritional value, please contact our dietitian at 513-559-2545 or post your question/concern on the discussion board - Recipe section. All recipes are subject to final approval from Deaconess Surgical Weight Loss Center dietitian. All recipes posted will not necessarily be included in the cookbook.
Yes, the cookbook would be available for purchase. However, since we just started, we have no idea how many recipes we'll get - and that will affect the cost. Sorry - I can't answer that question yet!
BUT - if you sign up on the Deaconess New You discussion board and submit a recipe, you'll automatically get a free copy!