Almost to the end
No, I would love to have the DS done, but insurance will only cover Lap Band and RNY. SO, since I don't want the lap band (may be fine for some) I'm going with RNY. One of my co-workers had DS done and is having problems still 3 years later. She lost 200 pounds, but has been anemic and sick a lot. She is now going to Dr. Lane for a revision. What all she is having done, I am not sure. We have been really busy and I haven't had time to really catch up with her. My other co-worker and friend had her RNY done on Jan. 22 in 07 and when she went in for her 3 month check up, lost 74 pounds and over the weekend she got on her scale at home and it said she lost another 24 pounds. She goes for her 6 month check up some time late July. I'm so excited for her. She is my biggest support group. I work out with her from time to time. I'm suppose to take it easy since tearing my achilles in both feet. I'm not suppose to do any extra walking or exercises that use my feet. I've lost 8 pounds since Feb (not really watching what I eat) and then in late March, I hurt myself. I'm slowly getting back to it, but being very careful. I haven't been to the support meetings yet. I would like to go before surgery, but I don't know when that will be. I picked up a second job which starts tomorrow. Only plan on being there till my surgery. Trying to make extra money till then. This way when my hubby goes back to work, it won't be such a strain on him me being off a couple of weeks. I'm sorry to hear that you can't go with Dr. Lane. At least you have a place to go. Did you try Dr.. White here in Toledo? I don't know what insurance he takes. He is strictly RNY from what I hear. It's worth a shot. I don't know of any other Gastric Bypass doctors. Wait...I thing MCO MUO whatever its called now has a bariatric doctor there. I'm not sure. That will be close too. What about St. Lukes? I thought they had a program there. Ok...tell me to shut up. I'm sure you already looked into them. I wish I could help you. I don't know of anyone that has medicare but if I hear of anybody, I will be sure to let you know. Again, keep me posted and I will do the same. Take care and have a good night. I have to go since I have to get up early. Bye for now!
yeah no place in toledo or bowling green is center of excellence. the only ones in ohio that has is: cleveland,columbus,dayton,miamisburg,cincinnati. thats it. a year ago bowling green hospital said they were thinking of going that way but i dont think they want to fill out all the application from what one of the staff members said at a meeting. its a shame.
but they have to meet a certain critereria. and st luke's only do the lap band. there's no way i would do that. and i would have surgery at any of the hospital in toledo well at least st luke's and i dont much care for the medical staff at bowling green hospital. im not talking about the bariatrics. but when i was admitted in those 2 hospital they treated me like i had the plague cause i was obese. they didnt even want to come in the room or touch me. like i was contagious.hey, use my email instead of here if you would. email me at [email protected]