Hello/Been awhile
Hello everyone. I know it has been a while since i have been on here. Last time i was on (Jan 07), i had gotten a new job and there insurance wouldnt pay for wls the first 2 yrs so i kind of left the site. Well things have changed. I am now once again looking for employment (Medical Assistant). But good news is that i am getting married on June 15th and will be getting my wife's insurance (United Health). SHe thinks they pay for wls. We will be checking asap. Hope everyone has a good summer.
Hi John, Congrats on your upcoming wedding! I kept running into the same thing... exclusions!! I have chosen to go the self-pay route. What are your comorbs? Do you know what procedure you feel will be best suited for you yet?
I wish you the best and will continue to check back to see how things progress for you.
Learn from the mistakes of others...
you can't live long enough to make them all yourself!