Looking for Plastic Surgeons in Cincinnati
Sorry for the late response - I had to get a new hard drive. At least it didn't cost me anything.
Me? An inspiration? You are too kind!! When you are all healed up, we'll have to go party. Darlene is still my partner in crime. Hard to believe that I hadn;t met her unitl I drove to her house so we could carpool to Lexington. Now we can't be separeated.
I'm on my way to The memorial tournament - bound to be some guys there!!
I agree Kurtis Martin is da bomb! http://www.cincinnatiplasticsurgery.com/ Dr. C
There are very good plastic surgeons in Cincinnati. Dr. Kurtis Martin has a great website. One part of the site has a post-bariatric photo which is incredible.
Dr. Christopher Gordon is a U of C based plastic surgeon who has a lot of experience with bariatric patients. Dr. Butterfield is another that has done excellent work.
When researching a palstic surgeon the first thing to look for is that they are Board Certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Then ask to look at their before and after book. After that, ask if you can speak to some of their patients. I always encourage bariatric patients to seek a second opinion, vist 2 different surgeons.
Go to the appointments with an open mind. The surgeon may recommend more than one surgery or porcedure to get you looking your best, symmetrical in & out of clothes.
Do your research and homework, just like you did for your bariatric surgeon.
Best of luck to you
Devinder Mangat did my facial plastic surgery about 10 year ago... He is THE BEST. He has a partner who does body work... Dr. Kuy www.renewyourlooks.com
cotedazur "Gather Ye Rosebuds While Ye May!"
257/210/160 -46lbs 5'10 BMI 30.1. Now a pound down from my all-time low after my band in June 2006. AND: I am STILL Struggling but DETERMINED!!