Off track, what have you done?
Don't eat the food where you work. I have a cooler with me at all times (at work, when I go to my parents, out of town) I mean at all times….. with healthy choices in it. Get back to basics. Protein first.
I found eating out isn't that bad….if it comes with bread order it with out or put the bread in the garbage right away. No pasta or rice…... Order grilled or broiled choices. NO fries, get a fruit cup. Most places even fast food has things you can choose from that are healthy.
Good luck
Start: 310 / Surgery: 283 / Current: 265 / Goal: 170
Please call the Deaconess dietitian Rebecca who can help you get back on track. her number is 513-559-2545. If you are able to do so, you may want to schedule a visit with her for a personal evaluation. Changes in weight loss is not unusual afer any WLS, but if you are struggling, seek professional help. At Deaconess professional help is only a phone call away. Rebecca has put together an excellent nutrtition program that is individually tailored for all WLS patients. Make the call and good luck.