Eight days post...
Hi I am going for my pre admission on May 31 My surgery is June 20th. I am excited;however, after the surgery is it very painful? When you were sick last week, Was it basically nausea or pain. Where did you have your surgery? Who did it? I am going to St. Vincent's in Cleveland. Are there any pointers you can give me? I am so excited for you. You have given me encouragement to read about your new beginning.
Well hello Loisjean. Dr. Ben-Meir was my surgeon and I went to St.Vincent's in Cleveland. My illness was nausea from the Roxicet for pain. I did ok in the hospital once I got home things changed. I called Michele my nurse she had me come in and Dr Ben-Meir re-admitted me. I haven't been in any pain since and doing great.
Finally I can give some help. Well...enjoy your favorites (if you know what I mean) lol,
stock up on protein supplements, soups like tomato, beef and chicken broth. Pepcid chewables and a chewable vitiamin. Don't forget milk if you can handle it. I drink soy milk 2 cups a day it takes me a while I just sip sip sip. Oh yea gatorade is a lifesavor try getting the little ones in the 12 pack to sip on. Last but not least sugar-free popcicles. Hmmm what else don't try to do too much to soon listen to your body. You will have GREAT days full of engery then not so great days. Each one is a blessing. Well I've bend your ears enough for now. I know you are scared but you will have great support with is web-site and me as your friend. If you need anything else let me know. I made great friends here one lady even came to see me in the hospital that was wonderful. I will come see you if you like.
Take care and keep in touch.
Your weight losing friend,