Surgery Date
You go Ed and don't worry about the foods, you really learn to like other things! I am 1 year post op and did it because of health issues and wanting to be around for my grandkids too. I told my husband I did not want to be the big fat grandma that couldn't get down on the floor and play... my 5 year old grandson said,"It's ok Nana, you ARE big and fat!" That was it, I was signing up. I went through the Barix, but my sister had Dr Mikami at OSU and loved him. I have heard good things about Needleman, you are in good hands, they have a good program. Hang in there.. the first 6-8 weeks ar tough but you will not regret it.....
my BMI went from 43 to 20 in 1 year.. I feel so much better and am off all but 1 medication. No more c-pap or being short of breath.... really wonderful
You can do it, and good luck!
Peace~ Pam
Wow, the reason I finally made the decision was that my 4 year old grandson, who is the light of my life, called me "Big fat grandma". Truely out of the mouths of babes huh? It wasn't the weight or my ever growing list of health problems that were a light bulb-it was my grandsons brutal honesty that was my light bulb moment for me.
May 2nd! Well, today is the 6th so you are probably home and doing some soft foods - puddings and protein (gag) shakes! Hope it all went well and the nerves have settled down for you. If you happen to read this - remember that the first two weeks are the hardest, and it gets easier from there. Its NEVER easy, but it gets easier! LOL!! Hope you're doing well! Check in!