How long???
hi, I just wanted to let you know it has been a long process for me. I started with my first seminar in jan 2007, pych eval and consulatation in feb 2007. insuranced approved end of march 2007,surgery scheduled for may 24 2007. i know what you mean. my doc is holding off on putting me on more cholestrol meds, they say I wont need em once the weight is coming off. i had nothing to do in jan-april winter of course, i thought this would be over in march,but now the surgon is booked until may.I got a senior who is graduating in June and turning 18 in may. All kinds of things to do starting in may,but I am not waitng any longer.Serious health problems don,t matter if you ask me they sorta line you up like cattle, when your number is up its your turn.once all your requirements have been met you will have to wait for an opening in surgery.I am having the lap band done. currently 100 lbs over weight and also on c-pap. I had to quit smoking too so far so good. I dont think people should have to wait this long either. I was really pumped about it in jan and feb, now its getting old. I still want it ,but it like okay so you are having weight loss surgery big know what I mean?well anyway hang in there your time will come.
Thank you so much for your insight. Four to five months is really sooner than I thought. I was thinking the average was anywhere from 12 to 18 months! I don't like to sound like I want to jump in front of anyone; apnea just doesn't sound like a serious condition. But I feel like there's a plastic bag with a tiny hole tied over my head. Everything seems so trivial, because I'm oxygen-starved.
I hope all goes well with the graduation and your surgery.