re: Dr Ben-Mier... Ohio
You are correct. If he felt like he could not do the surgery it is for the best. My only complaint is that he led me on for 6 months and I was down to weeks away from surgery then pulled the rug from under me. You have no idea how that felt and I hope you never will. It all worked out in the end and that is all that matters. The best of luck to you!
My LAP RNY was done by Dr. Phillip Schauer at the Cleveland Clinic. I only have praise for Dr. Schauer and his skills; I had no problems related to the actual substantive surgery (I got a post-op infection at my drain site, but that just happens some times.)
I was not, however, particularly impressed with the Cleveland Clinic. They have a lot of room for improvement in their post-surgery follow-up care. The pre-op materials and information were outstanding, but after my surgery I really felt I was on my own. I also had a co-worker that had surgery at the Clinic; she had complications related to being able to keep food down. The Clinic was not responsive to her problems and they were not helpful in getting them resolved. Luckily, some of her issues resolved simply w/ the passage of time.
Also, all of my follow-up appointments at the Clinic were with Dr. Schauer's fellows; other than passing him in the hallway, I haven't talked to my surgeon since my pre-op appointments. Since I haven't had any problems, that's not a huge issue for me, but it did make me feel like I was just another number, not a living, breathing patient.
That all being said, would I have surgery at the Clinic again? Absolutely. Their surgeons are top notch, even if their follow-up leaves something to be desired. But I know I need to ask a lot of questions, have people with me at the hospital after my surgery to make sure I'm getting the right care, and be very proactive about getting all the information I need. If you're someone that needs more "hand holding" than that, it sounds like St. Vincent's may be the place for you.
Good luck on your continuing journey -
Lap RNY 10/25/2005