What does PAT's stand for???
Hi Tina,
Glad to hear you are doing well! all is well with me...Waiting for my psych aproval i have to meet with her again this week...she said she would write it and now wants to meet again so i am a bit nervous
but all should be okay I think...I do not thaink I am that crazy
!!! If all oges well, i am hoping around the beginning of june...but we shall see
Oh Tina, Im sorry. Seems like yet another set back in your journey.
Try to keep a positive attitude though. Maybe the Dr. found something during the consult and sync'd it up with the eval and just wants to make sure that you are totally aware and commited to the life changes that will occur. Just a stab in the dark here.
Mine cleared me for surgery but highly recommended me to pursue post surgical consuling. We'll just have to see about that later not right now.
Hope all goes well for ya. Keep us posted on your progress.