Looking to chat with Dr. Lane Patients. Specifically DS surgery (self pay patients)
Hi Michelle,
There are several who post on the DS Forum :0) He will be my surgeon and unless I can get around an exclusion I will also be self pay. I was told when I called the finacial office of hospital that his service and the anesthesiologist are paid up front approx $10,000 and they have a payment plan for the hospital costs which if there are no complications would be around $20,000..... now this was last Nov so to could be changed...
Good Luck you will be in my thoughts and prayers!
Dr Lane is super expensive and the people at his office could not give adequate answers to my questions. I was not impressed. BUT.... that does not mean he is not right for you. The total cost for the DS with Dr. Lane for self payers is upwards of 35k, I think about 12k-14k needs to be paid upfront ,(10K for hospital, plus surgeon fees and anesthesiologist fees.) The hospital will finance the remaining balance, I think. I found another Doctor who I was extremely impressed with. He answers emails personally, speaks with prospective patients on the phone and seems to be a nice guy who genuinely cares. He's located near Scranton, Pa. If I were doing self pay in the US I'd go with him. He is able to keep the entire procedure around $18,700 for self payers.
Just thought I'd through that option out there!
His website is www.cutweight.org
Jenn from Cleveland
Hoping for the D.S. someday....