Disabled and Obese - Medical Condition & Exercise (Looking for input)
Hello everyone,
I am doing some research on the Lap-Band procedure because I began gaining a lot of weight due to my disability over the past seven years. I have RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome) which is a chronic neurological syndrome that can cause severe burning pain, inflammation, and spasms in blood vessels and muscles of the extremeties. These are just a few symptoms of a very, very long list that one can suffer from and I have several of the symptoms.
In 2000, I had simple foot surgery for Plantar Fascitis on both of my feet (two weeks apart from one another. Well, after going to several specialist for a period of 6-8 months. I was finally diagnosed with RSDS. However, if you don't catch this disease in the early stages, your body becomes a breading ground. I had it in my left foot/leg and lower back first and then it spread to my other foot/leg. In 2002, I had a spinal cord stimulator implanted in my back to help with the pain along with medication I was on. I was still working at that time. By 2004, I had to have my box replaced due to a bad lead. Prior to this my arms/hands were hurting and they began to swell a lot. I could tell that my disease was spreading. The doctor's confirmed it after I passed out in my office and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. So, they put a morphine pump in my stomach so that my medicine would get to me quicker. It is located off to the side of my belly-button just under the skin in a pocket. I have a port on it and I go to the pain doctor every 4-6 weeks to get it refilled. At that point, my doctors told me that I would not be able to return to work anymore. I am now on long term disability. I have medicare & aetna for insurance.
Since I have been through everything, I have gained about 80lbs and the scale keeps going up. I have tried following several diets as well as one under my doctor's care with little to no success. Whatever comes off, I gain back and then some. It is much harder for me because I cannot stand for very long and I use an electric scooter to get around at home. I also use a wheelchair whenever I am taken out.
I used to love putting on my walkman and going walking for 2-3 miles each day. Those days are over for me. I am unable to exercise. Has anyone come across this same type of situation or do you know of a friend or relative that may of gone through this weight loss surgery that is disabled and it help him or her with their weight?
I feel that it would be good for me so that my back won't hurt as much all the time because the excess weight makes it worse. The other thing is that my parents are both diabetic and have high blood pressure. I don't need to add more problems to the pot. Any information would be appreciated.
Marie :type:
Hi Marie,
I just wanted to offer my support and encouragement. I hope you find what you are looking for. I have MS which creates the some of the same physical problems you have which hinders me from being able to exercise. No exercise = couch potato = weight gain!
This message board seems to offer LOTS of information, so I'm sure you will find what you are seeking.
Best wishes,
HI Marie,
Im so sorry to hear that you have such a rough way to go. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
As far as the Lap Band, I would try to post on their message boards to see if anyone has come across that. you can get to it by selecting forums at the top and then chosing Lap-Band under it.
I hope this helps. Best wishes to you and your Weight Loss Journey. Keep you chin up!
Hi Kym
I also have RSD to make a long story short... it started in my right foot.. and progressed until now it is totally whole body.... I am having the gastric by pass... done by Dr Chand at Cleveland Clinic in fact my first visit is with him tomorrow. I would like to start walking if I can even if it is 3min here and there it just means that I am walking.. I went through the Cleveland Clinic Pain Management Center last Jan. and they did help me until last May I got out of bed and I couldn't walk here they found out I had spinal stenosis.. that is from the RSD making the bones soft. And they can't operate on it. That is one of the reasons I am having this surgery done. I would like to be your friend if that is ok maybe we an help each other? What do ya think?
Chin up we can do this.