Dr Fegelman in Cincy
I see that you are from Mt. Orab. I live in Pierce Township outside of Amelia.
Small World! I will let you know how things go. I am starting to get a little nervous.
Also, I want one last fish sandwich before surgery. If I have lost weight at weigh - in
tonight, I might just have one!
Good Luck!
p.s. I kept hounding my insurance company. I think they approved me to get rid of me!
Oh, not a problem. My fingers don't always do what they are supposed to. I had insurance approval in a matter of hours from United Medical Resources. They said they didn't receive the paperwork from Jewish so they had to fax it and I had approval the same day. Dr. Fegelman does a lot of stuff by mail it seems, wouldn't handling some of these matters over the phone work just as well. Do you know how busy they are at the center?

All systems go!!!
I thought full liquids meant broth, juice, ginger ale, jello, etc.
Starting the second day post op. and for 4 weeks I am on full liquids consisting of:
cottage cheese, sugar free yogurt, sugar free pudding, Slim Fast Optima, fat free cream soups, and skim milk. I have to go buy unflavored whey powder. I am supposed to work a scoop of that into my food throughout the day. I eat every two hours the second day post op. and every three hours thereafter. Sip lots of water.
No vitamins until two weeks out.
Doesn't sound too bad, but we will see.