I have decided......
Well my husband and I have done alot of talking and I have done alot of thinking and talking with my counsler and other doctors. And I decided that I am gonna get back on road I was on before the unexpected detour. I called Dr. Schumachers yesturday to make an appointment and they had one for tomrrow. This is my visit that is suppost to be my physical and getting my date. So I am excided.
I just figured with the expected pregnancy athen finding out how far along I was and that I had to have her taken ( she didnt develope a brain). I got lost off my track and I couldnt figure out how to get back. I have had alot of help the last coupe of days from friends of all kind ... thank you to those of you that responded it really helped. I went to my OB today and talking with her helped even more.
Thanks again,