How you ready for the SNOW?
I am in Bellefontaine and work in COlumbus (60 mile drive to my job) I started out this am, slid sideways on 33 just a few miles out going only 25 mph... turned around and came home... took me 45 min to go about 10 miles. At that rate I would not have made it to wor****il noon at best anyway...Much happier at home with a fire going in the fireplace and a good book..
ARG!!! I hear it's bad at "home" (native Buckeye here). I know my family is getting it bad and the same storm that is getting my "home" going to hit us tonight in CT. LOL The EXACT same thing. Some family is in Dayton (that's home for me) and getting snow, sleet, snow and that is what they are calling for here. My mom is now in Anna and getting all snow and my brother is the lucky one, rain last I heard. Have fun today and I will tomorrow.
at this moment... 6:29 pm, Tuesday... we are in the midst of blizzard conditions here at Indian Lake. I heard there is a lev. 2 snow emergency in Logan Co... IT IS SNOWING SIDEWAYS!!!
We are prepared! candles, kerosene heater... have a gas range and gas ho****er tank, so we are ok there... and the cell phone is charged!
oh yeah... have my HUBBY to keep me warm
I just hope this weather doesn't last TOO long
Deb H