Anyone had Reconstructive Surgery done?
I had WLS in 2002 and Im dealing with the "apron" that causes rashes and now I got hernia back again despite the repair surgery in 2003. I went to PS site here and been reading reviews but I havent seen any recent ones like last year..lot of reviews posted were back in 2005 or older. I want to make sure I pick the right surgeon to do mine and to be happy with the results and no complications.
Well, I can't help you - but its funny you asked this question. I specifically came tot he Ohio board to ask the same thing - but from a different perspective. I'm a long way from plastics (RNY was in Sep 06), but I thought it was a good idea to start researching surgeons and I literally logged in this morning specifically to ask the same thing you did....
Whose had plastics, and with what surgeons - and share people share!!
I had my plastic surgery one year ago. I went to Dr. Kurtis Martin. He is in Cincinnati. It is nearly a three hour drive, but I am here to tell you, HE IS SO WORTH IT!!! He is an ARTIST! He has a great personality as well. I can't say enough good about him. Anyone considering plastic surgery, I would suggest a consult with him. You won't regret it. Good luck