Help I needa doctor that accepts my Insurance!!
I had the Laparoscopic Gastric Bypass June 14th, 05. My doctor who perform he surgery(Trace Curry) did I great job!! If you ever need the surgery truly recommend him.He located in Cincinnati, Ohio. But he does do the post surgery the loose skin removal.
So I need to find doctor in Ohio who doe the surgery that accepts my insurance.I live in Dayton. I'm on disability due to my weight and a muscle problem I have. I weighted 504 lbs the day of my surgery. Now I weight 247 lbs. I'm truly blessed. But the extra skin is weighing me down.
So I any of you that live in Ohio know of a doctor who accepts medicaid pleaseeee let me know. I
Thank you in advance!!
I'll start with the bad news first.
Good luck finding a doc in the Dayton area that will even talk to you about taking insurance for skin removal.
I've been trying for 2 years now and so far all of the ones that are in my insurance I have called say NO INSURANCE. Even with rashes and such they will not even try to get insurance to pay.
NOW with that said I think there are a few doctors in the Cincinnati area that do take insurance. OR they have in the past. Some of the people in one of my support groups used them and had insurance pay for some of the cost. You might want to check out the PS links
or ask on the ps board
Good luck,