Come dancing with us!!!!
HI Julie,
You want to hear a funny story? Last time Sharyn & I went to Light, she had heard a rumor that people from the OSU support were going to be there that night. We kept going up to strangers that looked like possible post-op WLS people and saying, "Are you here with a group from OSU?" Also, we must have asked 2 or 3 different ladies, "Are you Julie?" No luck!
Sharyn and I are doing a ladies night out on February 23rd. Want to come out with us?
Darlene And Sharyn,
I sure wish I could of seen your post sooner and I would have found a way to get there. I havent been feeling well at all... Lots of things going on causing me stress. And I have been having a feeling of all my food getting stuck. Kind of strange this happening this far out. I am calling Dr Mikami's office in the am and see if there is anything to be concerned about..
I hope you guys had a great time
Love ya