I am sooo upset. I had the surgery 2+ years ago. I have not had any health insurance since mid May 2006. I am trying to get health insurance and nobody will insure me now because of the surgery. I have to wait until I am 5 year out. That is rediculous, I need health insurance. Does anybody know of any insurance in Ohio that will cover me. I am healthy and have done really well, I really only need some yearly things done. Any suggestions? H E L P

Lordy, what a mess. How come Dan's insurance won't cover you as his spouse? Sorry you are having to deal with that.
PS - I hope you guys have a great trip. I just got back from Chicago. I traveled with three men and they were dying in the car trying to keep me warm. ha...I am beginning to think I am a cold blooded reptile! :-}
Dan's insurance was going to be outragiously expensive for familly coverage even though it is only one person. But that might have to be our only choice unless I can get a job at the front door greeter or something........
You can sit in front of our fireplace anytime you like to warm-up. Well I gotta go run errands, laundry, get ready to leave tomorrow. Woo Hoo, we can't wait......