Wednesday meeting in Delaware, Ohio will :
Be meeting the last Wednesday of every month at Buehler's in Delaware, Ohio. Just west of Grady Hospital @8pm.
On 1/31 , 4 different samples from Smart ForMe will be given to members to take home and try.
We encourage members to partcipate in a clothing exchange to begin in the Spring.
Start Planning an Obesity Walk to held in Delaware in the Fall.
Come brag about your Surgeon ....... Let others know the great care you received.
Do you think your Surgeon would like to come and speak at our group? Doesn't hurt to ask
By helping really do help yourself.
Hope to see at the next meeting !!
Hi Gayle,
I will try my best to be there. I am working in Marion and reside in Cardington and already had a previous engagement scheduled after work at 5 pm also in Marion ..but based on this meeting at 8 pm I think that I can probably swing this one. Looking forward to meeting other LOSERS and anyone else as I have only lived in Ohio for 5 months now and besides work....really dont know anyone
Thanks for getting things going
Hugs from a cold Cardington