Had consultation, now feeling down
Well, I had a consultation with Dr. Curry yesterday regarding a revision. Couldn't really tell how he or his staff felt about which way it would go. Either way, I have a scope scheduled for Feb 1st.
Feeling down because I had someone who's wife is a VP for an insurance company review my policy regarding revisions and looks like the only way I will get approved is if the scope proves that regaining weight was not at all my fault. No way that's ever going to happen. My policy states that I must have a "documentation of failure secondary to a surgical complication such as fistula, obstruction or disruption of a staple or suture line" before they will approve. I honestly don't think I have any of those....so I'm wondering if I should even waste his or my time (and money) going forward with the scope. I wish I could tell the insurance company had I had the right education and support the first time around, I might not be seeking a revision. I feel better educated now, 5 years later, but a little too late... Oh well, if anybody has some good words out there for me, I'd love to hear them.