Possible Hiatal Hernia???
I'm nine months out from RNY, and have been doing great until a couple of weeks ago. Every time I eat (or sometimes many hours after eatin), I'm getting this pressure in my chest. It feels like I've swallowed a big ball of air, and like I need to belch. Also, when I eat, it's very painful going down the esophagus, but no vomiting so far. My sugeon has schediled a scope for Thursday, but would appreciate replies from anyone who has had a similar experience. Has anyone had these symptoms?
I'd appreciate any help from all of you out there.
Go****s hard to say. I have had similar feelings with duodenal ulcers, actually. (I haven't had surgery yet, just have some problems with ulcers.) But, it could also be a gall bladder issue (which he wouldn't be able to detect with a scope, so he may suspect ulcer). But that is my only experience, dear! It may be something connected to surgery that I am unfamiliar with! Oh, I just read that when you eat, it is painful going down, I haven't had that part. But I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that it is something that is easily treated! Hugs, Karen