Cardiac Clearance = big surprise
Well I went for my cardiac clearence the other day. They did a EKG there in the office. I guess it didn't the way it is suppost to. He said it looked like it is possible that I've had a heart attack. So needless to say I was very surprised ( I am only 33). I was just going in to do what I needed to move on I wasnt't expecting it at all. I had no idea what to ask or anything my family asked well the say when it could have happened ...... no I didnt even think to ask. And he is reaserching if it is worth the risk for me to get the filter put in ( the one to prevent blood clots going out of legs into lungs or where ever) saying I have no history of blood clots. So now I am sitting here all nervous wondering all types of things. I have to be at the kettering hopital in the early in the morning to do a chemical stress test. Just so nervous scared that they'll find something else wrong with me and find for sure that I had a heart attach. That is what I get for thinking how smoothly everything was going since I met Dr. Schumacher. I have met with the dietician and exercise tech and already have my psych clearance, all that is left is the heart stuff. Scarey and disappointing, kinda down a bit about it. Hopen it all goes well tomorrow.
I know how you feel. A few days before my surgery I was told that my surgery had to be postponed until I got cleared by a cardiologist. I was already psyched up for the big day and this news didn't thrill me. I was scheduled to have my surgery 4 days after my wife and we had made all the appropriate plans. My surgeon was able to get me a fast appointment and everything was fine. I had my surgery 11 days after my wife and now 8 months out, have lost all my weight (141 pounds). I know it's stressful right now, but the professionals just want to make sure everything is checked out to prevent any unknowns. I wish you the best. Good luck.
Hi Linda,
The same thing happened to me too. When I went for my filter my EKG looked suspicious so I had to have the chemically induced stress test taken...mind you this was 2 days before my surgery...needless to say it makes you a nervous wreck.
Hang in there. They are just being very cautious and want to make sure that they know all the facts before your surgery.
Happy New Year and hang in there.