HERNIA could it be?
Hello everyone I am 7 months post-op down 123lbs and on the right side of my stomach just above my belly button is swelled up and very sore and last night my wife said it feels harder than on the left side. Could this possibly be the start of a hernia I know it's not my gallbladder cause it's gone. If anybody has ever experienced this please let me know I am going to see my PCP today to see what he thinks. Anyway i'll take any advice you can give.
Jim, great weight loss and good thing your going to the doc. It actually can be a hernia. I have one in about the same spot, it gets hard when I eat too much but then it goes down and gets soft. I am one of the lucky ones that it does get soft so I dont have to have surgery on it yet. Anyway, good luck, keep us posted and remember if it is this might be your ticket for that tummy to get removed with insurance paying for it....