depression and weight loss
My wife and I both had surgery in April, 11 days apart. Before we went back to work, we were sitting there being depressed and wondering what we did and whether it was the right thing. Then an episode of Dr. Phil came on about a lady who never left her bedroom because of her weight. We looked at each other and both said, "yes, we did the right thing." Now we are 8 months out, she has lost 150 pounds and I've lost 140 pounds and we can honestly now say that we did the right thing. Just try to keep a positive attitude and when the weight starts to drop off and you start getting into smaller clothes, your attitude will follow along. It's a great experience, look forward to it. This is a great place for support. Use this message board and talk to us when you need to.
WLS won't fix anything that's in your head, I'm afraid. What you want to do is (if you haven't already) seek and/or continue with counseling post op, to make sure you don't do anything to subconsciously sabotage yourself. MO isn't usually the only reason for depression, so it will do yourself a wealth of good to get that under control.
Hi Lisa
The surgery helps, but you still have to confront the same issues, or you end up with a different addiction. Also, remember that some buyer's remorse is always natural after surgery so you kind of need to "plan" for it. I've ride an emotional roller coaster since the surgery, but I wouldn't change this ride for ANYTHING!!!
Good Luck