Pre-testing today
The clock is ticking down..... Pre-testing today, filter tomorrow, surgery next Monday. I have all these crazy thoughts and feelings running through my head. Doubt is the biggest one.... I ask myself, Is this surgery really necessary Deb? You can do this on your own.... Then I watch the Biggest Loser on TV, and think... WOW- look at that guy; he lost over 100 lbs. with no life threatening surgery. But then again, who has a personal trainer, and can live at a fat ranch for 5 months? ha.... But, really; I have watched some amazing transformations within these forum walls at Obesity Help, and then I suddenly gain strength, and a reality perspective on what life is really like being overweight. I have lived the fat life; I'm still living it now. I guess the questions will continue to surround me until the day I'm rolled into the operating room. Hopefully, the drugs will be good; I'm a wreck already
Deb, you are going to be fine and everything your feeling is normal, trust me as they started to wheel me out of my hospital room on the way to surgery I tried to get my husband to stop them, but was the best thing that I could have ever done for myself, my children and my life. Remember, your health is why we all do this and your a great reason for living. Good luck.
Deb, I think you know in your heart that this is absolutly the right decision. Everyone in this forum feels the same way. I think if I had a personal trainer and a live-in chef I could be REALLY skinny but then I remember - oh yeah, no I couldn't. When you have your surgery you will feel so much weight off of your shoulders (literally and figuratively). It's still hard (at least on these stupid liquids) but I thank god (or who ever) for my band. This is the most weight I've ever lost on my own. I know I couldn't do it without WLS. So, although I get frustrated and would kill for something solid and want to rip this damn thing out I think, "feeling better every day, looking better every day, no carb crashing, I RULE - and so will you. Love , hugs, and support your way.
Everything you are feeling is completely normal, and all of us have been there. Even though I knew I had made the right choice I was still nervous thinking of all the " could happens".. But think of all the positive "Will happens" You will feel amazing, be able to run like the wind, dance your pants off and get tipsy on 2 sips of wine. LOL
I enjoyed meeting you so much at the OH conference in Cols.. I wish I could make it to visit you in the hospital, but with work I just cannot get away. But know I will be sending you Happy Groovy Healing vibes and lots of prayers your way.
You are an awesome sweet funny lady and going to pull through this just fine.
We are all here for you!!
Love ya
Miss Laura