Can't kick this habit
Hi Jan
Like you I am waiting to have my surgery and had to quit smoking. I have not smoked for almost 3 months now and really do understand how you feel. I loved smoking, it was the only thing that helped me thru some stressfull times. My hardest time was driving in the car and still is some days. I quit cold turkey and so far, so good. I tell myself it will be worth it when I have the surgery and already am amazed at how much better I feel. Plus the cost and the fact that Ohio has passed that new law was a good incentive. Keep up the good can do it. Dont feel like a failure tho, it will come in time.
Good luck!
Pat Thank you for your response, I have broke down and smoked , but I am going to try again next week, I must say this is the hardest thing I think I have ever done. I have although slowed down quite a bit down to about 1/2 a pk now and am going longer inbetween them. I already see some of the effects money wise, we used to buy cartons every week. I had my pulmomary function test today and he said I did really well considering I still smoke some,So at leats I know that my lungs will only get better now once i quit for good. They say each time someone tries it is a step closer to quitting for good so I am hoping this time around it will be for good. Thaks for your support.