What's healthy/normal????????
Ok, me again.......even though I have not had surgery (yet??) I like to now think of myself on the "losing side" b/c I have lost 21 pounds in 22 days and am still losing (for those of you who don't know, on byetta). My question is this......how many calories do you all average per day?? I am averaging close to 700.....occasionally more, but about 700 on the average. (I am hoping to go even lower.) My mom is concerned that I'm not eating enough and am losing "too fast".....but I told her that ppl who have surgery can't hardly eat either and also lose a lot of wt. quickly!! I just wondered how many cals. you all try to take in in a day, for those of you who count calories. Also, other than protein being "good for you", does it help you lose any faster....like are protein calories more beneficial than other calories?? My doctor said NOT to cut out all carbs, but I try to be sure to have some meat every day, but I see a lot of talk about protein bars on here.......Thanks for all responses!!
Well I hate to say it, but I think your mom is probably right. Each step of my diet has written very clearly on it that it does not provide enough calories, or nutrients and should not be followed except as provided and monitored by a doctor. I think its wonderful that you are trying to learn a new lifestyle to become healthier, but I don't think this is the best option for you. While it is true those who have had surgery are on very limited diets - they are being monitored closely by their doctors, and they are taking (probably) multiple vitamins to supplement their diet....prenatal vitamins, B12, Calcium, etc...
I don't want to be negative to your efforts - but the bottom line really is your health...check in with your doctor and see what they think.
Just be careful, stay in touch with your doc, and be very aware of your body and the signals it sends out...dehydration, starvation (I know - but it happens, and if your body thinks your starving it will not let go of one ounce of fat!), light-headedness, constipation, diarhea...keep an eye on everything, and if something seems wrong...don't wait to fix it!
Ok?? I'm really not trying to nag - I just want you to be healthy.
I'm getting in 900-1200 calories per day 1 year post op and still losing from my DS. I do applaud your determination. Be careful with that small amt of calories. Your body could go into starvation mode and shut down your metabolism. Also, stick mainly to carbs that come in their natural state (fruit/veggies). It's the simple carbs (flour and sugar items) that can slow you down.
Thank you to everyone who's replied so far!! Unfortunately, my doctor didn't really set up anything that specific for me. Keep in mind, I haven't actually had surgery, though, either. The byetta has controlled my appetite immensely, and it slows down digestion so that I feel fuller longer. Basically I'm trying to mimic the eating style of someone who HAS had surgery, since my appetite is pretty much GONE. I lost 21 pounds the 1st 3 wks, but it's slowing down now and I think it may be b/c I'm going TOO low on calories. I was trying to do 700 a day, sometimes even less. I am going to try to do around 800 or so and see if I continue to lose. Someone also mention that it depends a lot on how overweight you are when you start. I started at 331, a bmi of 55-56 (i'm 5'4"). Also I am 35, and have been overweight ALL my life. I don't expect to ever be thin - I would be thrilled if I got down to 200.....well, maybe 199 lol. I don't really drink water, but I drink a lot of Tropicana sugar-free fruit punch, so it's not POP, and there's no sugar, only 5 cal. per can. Hopefully that's almost as beneficial as water!! I've also been making sure I eat some meat every day (not burgers!!) and just started eating those big 30-32-grams-of-protein protein bars - I read someone say they are supposed to take in 50-60 grams of protein per day. I guess maybe I shouldn't make it such a goal to lose 30 the first month just b/c the other lady on byetta did but she also weighed over 400 when she started. My first 4 wks are up Tues, I would like to have at least lost 25, that's still ALMOST a pound a day! ;-P Anyway, thank you for all the responses and I would still love to hear from more of you. Also thank you for making me feel welcome on the board, even though I haven't actually had surgery (yet??) !!