Dr.Curry?/Night reflux
Dr. Curry, I have been having a problem for about the last week. When I go to bed at night, as I start to drift off to sleep, I suddenly awake with fluid in the back of my throat and nose. It is like acid reflux. It is causing me to wake up about 4-6 times a night. I don't know if it is trapped gas, and as I relax it is escaping and causing the pbing, or what. I had a fill 2 1/2 weeks ago, and I felt like it was a little tight, maybe causing this, so I had an unfill on Tues. of .2, leaving me with 8.6 in my VG 11 band. During the day, none of this, and no pbing. Any ideas? I have tried changing my eating habits, nothing after 7:00, but it still seems to happen, and OTC prilosec before bed isn't helping, either. I suffered from acid reflux pre surgery, and took Nexium until surgery for it.