!!!!!! I AM APPROVED !!!!!!
OMG!!!!! I got a call from my family doctor a few hours ago, and the state approved my surgery!!! I am on cloud 9 right now. To be honest, I'm a bit dizzy. It just doesn't seem real. I know the road is still long ahead of me, but I've made it over the biggest hurdle. Now the next biggest.........finding a surgeon. I would like to have the RNY proceedure. The DS surgery scares me. I have an information session scheduled at the Bariatric Surgery Center at Wood County Hospital in Bowling Green in about two weeks. That's as far as I could get without having definate approval. I hope it's not going to be hard to find a surgeon. Ohio Medicaid just went to managed care and I had to pick my plan 2 days ago. I chose Buckeye Community Health Plan. The gal on the phone told me that the surgeon (Dr.Lane) in BG is only listed as accepting Paramount so............on Monday morning i'm hitting the phone hard. Anyhoo, just wanted to share my news.