4 Days Post Op
Well, I am home and doing well. Today is the first day that I have felt like logging on the computer. I am very very very sore. Especially my left side. I felt some nausea yesterday. I have meds for both pain and nausea, so they have helped, but they knock me out.
Some of the things that I immediately felt coming out of surgery was cold. They gave me warm blankets. I felt pain, they gave me drugs. The nurses were wonderful. I was a very good patient. I was not demanding and I think they responded more to my needs because I was nice. Even though I wasn't at my best.
I got up and walked and went the bathroom as soon as possible. I walked the halls several times withouth being prompted or pushed.
Coming home was harder because you have to manage your own food intake and a well meaning husband who is not sure what to do for you. I tried to wait longer in between doses of darvocet, so that I could be coherent. Advice- If you feel pain take what they give you for it. In the long run you will feel better faster.
I am having a lot of emotional ups and downs from angry and upset to why did I do this to myself and frustration for the length of recovery. Just a bazillion things going on in this tiny little head of mine.
All in all I'm sure that I will be thankful for what I have done. It's just very painful at the moment.