Hi from NW Ohio
My name is Tonya and I live in Defiance, Ohio. My WLS surgery is still in it's beginning stages. Currently I have Ohio Medicaid, and my case was submitted for approval 3-4 weeks ago. This is the second time it has been submitted since May. It is hard to get insurance approval, but double hard if it is Ohio Medicaid. Frustrating thing is that we are on Transitional Medicaid, and only have coverage until next June. Although my hubby will be able to get insurance through work his provider will not cover a pre-existing problem for 1 year after starting coverage. I'm sure my many ongoing obesity related problems are considered pre-existing. Prayers for me would be appreciated.
Well, I just wanted to say hello. This is such an awesome site. Kinda feels like home if you know what I mean.
Hi Tonya,
NW Ohio resident here myself.. I live in Toledo and have Ohio Medicaid. It took a while and me writing big wigs in the state, but I finally got my WLS tool. I had a rough, bumpy journey along the way. I will be 2 yrs post-op on the 22nd of this month.. it was the best thing I ever fought for in my life.. for my life. I have quite a bit of journalling regarding my journey with Medicaid on my profile.. feel free to check it out.
Good Luck and hugs, Vickie
time does fly when we're living life to it's fullest again!
We really need to get together sometime.. you heard from Debbie at all?? I think we need to contact the old group and set up some kind of meeting even if it is just for coffee and catch ups.
Thank you Margo.. yanno I had to come a long ways after hassling everyone in the state about my health!
love & hugs, Vickie