Anyone in Columbus?
My name is Tess, and I had my surgery done at the same place with the doctor. Dr. Vig is awsome. I had my surgery on 6/1/05 and I've lost so far 170 lbs, I have been stuck for a couple of months, which happends to everyone. I have some friends that I work with, who has had this surgery. And they are doing GREAT!
Yea, I love Dr Vig, I have an appt to go see him next week for my 6 week check up,, I just could not believe how great the care was there,, I have lost 27 pounds since surgery,, I gained 30 in the hospital due to all the iv liquids they were giving me,, but I think I am doing good,, don't get sick at all, I have only gotten sick 3 times since I came home, and that is because I ate too much, it is hard to judge how much is too much,,, Where do you live in Columbus?