Heart cath
Well not to good. My heart is 30 % working...... The front of the heart is a little blocked. He is not concrened about that right now. He is mainly concerend about the muscles in my heart...... My day sucked. I am so depressed. I feel like I am on my last legs. He up all my meds and did get me on other medication. He said he doesnt know the outcome. I am now being very closlely monitired. And we will decide what to do in the near future,
To all. Why me
48 years old.
I have so much to live for.
My little grandaughter will be here in 4 weeks.
I am sorry you are so discouraged. I am hoping that you will start to feel better on the heart meds and they improve your heart function.
Keep up the good work. You have a wonderful start with your weight loss.
Try to keep your chin up and wait for all the official results to come in.
I am praying for you
Hey Barb!!
Don't worry - heart disease is one of the best diseases to have, it's soooo fixable. Once they get your meds up to the right level, people's hearts usually begin to compensate and become more efficient. It's easy to get depressed, but don't let yourself give in to it. BTW - you are not on your last legs. While I'm not a doctor, I do review a lot of medical records and studied the heart kind of extensively. I know you'll be just fine!
ya lots
I am so sorry that you arent doing so well. But give the meds time to work and you will be feeling much better in no time. I think after we lose so much weight we forget our heart problems and many of the health problems that seemed resolved after the weight loss. Then when they reoccur we feel hopeless again. But just remember how far you have come and that every minute of exercise bought you time on this earth. Had you not had the surgery and exercised you might have never seen your new grandbaby. So.. Miss Barb.. Please dont give up. Gather your strength and get well again. We are all here praying for you and cheering you on.
WE love ya
Miss Laura