I was just wondering if there are any new prescription meds that have shown any promise? Prior to the RNY I tried redux and xenical, and years ago fen/phen. I have been doing research on Accomplia and that sounds promising. I guess I am checking out what assistance is out there for people who have had the surgery who are experiencing gain. Thank you
I have regained about 40lbs. The weight seems to have come back more so in my hips, lower abdomin and waist. I don't know if that makes a difference, It just worries me. I am back in the clothes that I wore when I was pushing my max. Its so very depressing. I have been asked about revisions, I am not sure what my options are with that either. The big thing is that my insurance co. paid for the RNY at the time. Even though, I am no longer at the same employer w/the same insurance. I wonder how insurance co's are about paying for revisions. I need to find something soon, I'm getting married in Sept 2007. I already have my gown I hope I will be able to wear it when the time comes. Thanks, Kim
Ah, the brand name of phentermine. I remember that. Way back in the day, it was part of a duo phen/fen. That unfortunately got pulled off the market. For those who had heart problems, the combo wasn't a good thing. When I was on it, it was wonderful. I wasn't ever hungry, never even thought about food. I had lost over 70lbs during the time I was on it. Of course, that has since been regained. I think I could benefit from an appetite suppressant, and of course something to speed up my metabolism. Also, the next time around, I think I would benefit from some behavior modification. Amanda, one thing I can honestly tell you is, after you have your surgery follow everything to a "T". I got caught up in the fact I couldn't eat as much as I used to, but I ended up still eating some bad things. That unfortunately came back to haunt me. Good luck, and take care.