Diet coke
SSSSSHHHHHH!!!! Don't tell Dr. C but I occasionally do drink Diet Cherry Coke. If I drink it fully bubbly it makes me very VERY uncomfortable so I buy it in a plastic bottle and shake it up and slowly release the air several times until it is almost flat. I'm talking maybe 1-2 per month.
One reason not to drink it is that people tend to have old pre-op behaviors like drinking diet pop and running through McD's or munching on chips, so one reason is to break those habits.
-152.5 lbs. since 12/05/05
My doc says he doesn't want us drinking cola because of the high acid content. It's bad for your stomach and could cause stomach problems that we can't afford since ours is so small. It is the hardest thing I've had to give up!! I do sneak a few tiny sips of my hubby's diet with dinner. If that's going to eat my stomach then Lord, take me now!
I always heard it flushes out the food and you get hungry because your food was washed away. Also The acid. Before I took care of my drinking lproblem last month I could drink a 12 pack of beer. My stomach is still the same. So I dont see where it can strecth your pouch. It didnt mine at least or I was lucky and it didnt.
Take Care
My Dr said it was up to me if I allowed myself the diet soda. Some people find that the soda makes them want to snack more. But in my case it hasnt. I allow myself a few sips of diet ginger ale or diet pepsi jazz a couple of times a day. Most likely less than an ounce at a time. But enough to satisfy that urge for the fizzies..
You have to decide for yourself how your pouch will react to it. At first I would put it in the microwave and get the carbonation out of it and then put it on ice. But the carbonation really doesnt seem to cause me any problems.
Hope this helps
Miss Laura
I was a lifelong Pepsi drinker. Huge addiction to the stuff. I haven't had any since the morning of my surgery. Now I tend to think that if I start to drink any soda, that soon I will be on my pepsi drinking binges! I figure that its a habit of the past and I can't go back there. Best advice that I got from a friend...Let it go, its not healthy, it is empty of any nutritional value and it may get you started on other bad habits. Its a pain but I keep telling myself tha****ER is my friend!
Kathy, I don't drink a lot of pop, never really did. But I was told that the reason we shouldn't drink it was do to the carbination. It makes gas in your tummy and makes it expand, thats why it sometimes hurts when you drink it. Until you get that big burp out, which can take a long time. Anyway, I do on at times drink some but I always make sure its on ice and gets a little water logged. Not a huge drinker but I do love Mt. Dew Diet Code Red. YUMMO....Good luck and keep it burping .