I wish I had a closer support group !
Do you notice I whine alot..lol I live in Warren and have to drive to Cleveland for my support group..the one at Cleveland clinic. Everytime I get close to finding a local support group..it's either a dead end or they dont meet anymore. Just wish I had something much closer to me. Id llove to attend support groups with others. I enjoy meeting people that have the same issues as me. Well thanks for letting me vent..lol
Kim..you can only attend those meetings if you are a patient of st joes or st elizabeths. I think that sucks. Thats why Im just gonna put together my own group..and it doesnt matter where you have/had your surgery. Thanks for the help though I appreciate it!
Interested in, preparing for or have had weight loss surgery?
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Come join our support group!
OH Gosh Shannon I am sorry I didn't post to tell you I would not be there. I would have never gone and not attempt to fine you. For the past couple days I was having problems getting my protein and fluids in. When I woke on Thursday I was just plain sick. It was all because of dehydration. It took me most of the day to get everything in and them some. I never even made it to the computer upstairs. I was getting behind and said oh I'll make it up later.
One day became another.....................well I learned my lesson. This morning I am feeling much better. You always hear it's hard to get your protein and fluids in after surgery. And that you aren't hungry. I thought" NOT ME, I'll want to eat around the clock". LOL
But it's true in my case..... I really couldn't care less about eating. But I must so my body can heal.
I have been writing to Obesityhelp about starting a group here north of Columbus. There is training required. I even have a place to have it. I still plan to go to CCF's when I can ,so Thursdays is out.
Gosh, I am up north a lot because of family. I know that the next CCF meeting I will be in California. But after that if you want to meet and ride together that could be fun.
We have time to talk about it. My daughter lives in Stow so I know how to take 224 or 271.
I hope you are doing well!