I passed!!
Just wanted to share some good news with yall.
Thursday, I had my dietitian appointment and psych evaluation. I passed both however the psychologist I saw said he wants me to seek counseling for my depression.
Now if only I could find a supervised wl program closer to Bucyrus, I'll be doing great. (they wouldn't let me do WW)
P.S. I'm at the library, my computer died, I think.
Hi Fran,
I've signed up for the LEARN program here at Bucyrus hospital. The only bad thing is that they need enough to hold the class, so right now I'm just waiting to hear something from them. I did inquire about a program at Marion General and they did tell me about the dietitian. I found the prices a little high though.
Who's doing your surgery Fran, are you also going to OSU? Good luck with your weight loss.