Help, Please
Hi, Everyone
I'm getting a little concerned about something and was sincerely hoping that someone could ease my mind. I noticed yesterday evening (6 pm) , for the first time, that my fingertips were wrinkled.... like they are when you have been in the tub or the pool for an extended time.... Is this a sign of dehydration? Should I be slightly concerned, moderately concerned or very concerned....
I have been having trouble getting all the liquids in... and the calories, but the liquids are just impossible (64 oz in a day) for me to take in. After I noticed the wrinkling I really put forth an effort and in the next 3-4 hours was able to get about 20 oz more in and they went away... but this morning about 10:30 am, they are back...
Please? Anyone???
Barbara G.
Hi Winner
Thanks ever so much for your good thoughts! I really appreciate it
I went and read your profile and see that you are going to St. V's.... allow me to let you in on a little secret.... They are Wonderful!!
Now, I am sure that Dr. Curry is also wonderful.... but he is pretty far from where I live
And so I am so very thankful for St. V's... which Doctor will you be having? When I was only home a very few days... I had some reason to call in the late evening and Dr. Schreiber was on call... he was so nice, really nice. And Dr. Ben-Meir is terrific.
Don't worry your six months will scurry by.... I didn't think so, but it did and it helps get you in the mindset for life in Loserville {{{{Winner}}}}
Take care and let me know how things are going for you or if you need an ear to vent you can email me anytime
Your liquids incude soup teas milk any kind of fluids you put in you. Just drink as much as you can with a watered down drink. I drin**** tea like it going out of stlye. I dont really like plain water. My hands look wrinkled but thats from age. Just use lots of lotion and try and keep fluids in. If this doesnt help. Go see your pcp.
Thanks, Barb
I am going to try some iced tea... that is one thing I haven't tried. I have been working on the lotion too... one night it was pretty funny.... I lotioned up just before going to bed, and then I was so humid and clammy all nite..... so I learned a lesson there.... lotion in the morning ha ha I just keep learning one lesson after another.