Need WLS doctor in Dayton area
I don't know about the insurance thing, but can HIGHLY recommend my surgeon, Dr. Derrick Martin!! Love him and I and my daughter had very uneventful surgeries, easy recuperations, and very successful weight losses. Just call his office and inquire about the insurance. He really is a dear! Good luck.
Hi vicki, I agree with you about Dr. Martin. I called his office yesterday morning to get some info and would you belive he was having a seminar last night, I went and was very impressed and he takes my insurance, yeah. Hope we can get things rolling soon. I will keep you posted, wish me luck.
Jeanette, that is great news!! He is really a dear. I liked him at his seminar, but the longer I have seen him, the more impressed I have become. He also has really, really good mortality/complication statistics, which is so important. Everyone on his staff has been very nice and supportive of both Katie and I. Be sure and tell them I sent you--Vicki Carver. Also, please feel free to email me with any questions you might have. I would be happy to help or encourage you in any way that I can. Good luck on getting the insurance ball rolling. I know that is the most frustrating part. Katie and I were really lucky to get through that amazingly easily, but I know for some it is much more difficult. We felt really fortunate. Thank goodness Dr Martin's staff is very wise to how it all works and seem to have good "luck" getting things through the system. Keep me posted!!